
From our very start in 1999, Quantum Accounting Services has focused on arts and creative organizations, and small businesses. Over 20 years later, we’ve built a thriving practice by serving many of Vancouver’s arts groups, from small dance companies like Karen Jamieson Dance to large theatres like the Vancouver East Cultural Society. 

Our philosophy has always been to tailor our services to the individual client based on their needs and budget. Whether you need weekly full-service bookkeeping, monthly payroll and remittances, or annual financial statements, we can work with you to develop a plan that suits your needs. And our services can grow along with your business.

If you just need a helping hand getting started, we can support you. We offer insight on the best method of keeping your books, and can provide ongoing training and consulting.  Whether you’re just starting out, or are trying to grow your business, we’ll ensure you have a bookkeeping system that fits your needs.

Our Team

Marianna Scott

Despite the tragic condition of having not one artistic bone in her body, Marianna has managed to live vicariously through the work of Quantum’s many amazing artists and arts organizations for the past 18 years. Marianna’s vast knowledge of accounting for the not-for-profit world allows her to provide her clients with wise and clear advice.

Anita Cheung

Anita brings over 30 years of accounting and bookkeeping experience to our team. When not working tirelessly for her clients, Anita enjoys strolling through Vancouver’s many parks to appreciate the beauty in the nature we are blessed with.

Akiko Inomata

Akiko has contributed her accounting knowledge and experience to Quantum since 2014. Safe in her capable hands, clients have no idea Akiko spends her off hours listening to the likes of BTS with her college age daughter.

Nigel Jones


Humble beginnings as a maths major in university somehow led Nigel straight into the arms of the Vancouver arts scene. He happily spent 10 years working with artists of all ilk while running Quantum. Now that he has been retired for 10 years, he can be found running the seawall in West Van.